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Triton brews success from risk and inspiration


When it comes to starting a business, there’s nothing like reaching for the skies for inspiration.

Triton Brewing Company stretched into the ancient heavens for their muse.

“Triton is a lesser deity of water from Greek and roman mythology,” said Mark Waldman, the operations director for the Indianapolis-based brewer. ”And, one of his titles is ‘bringer of good water’.”

Water is the key ingredient in beer and Triton Brewing Company decided to make it the focus of their product’s identity.

“When we were looking at what makes Triton unique and what we do, for us it’s very much on the water,” Waldman said. “We figured we would focus on the biggest raw ingredient that we use and the raw ingredient we can temper in a very meaningful way to make it unique and make it ours.”

Waldman believes to in order have a successful business one not only has to aim high, but also focus inward to find what inspires emotion.

“Ultimately, you have to figure out what is it that you're willing to risk everything in order to do,” said Waldman, the operations director for Indianapolis-based Triton Brewing Company.

Triton Brewing Company founders understood with risk came reward, but only if they were properly prepared for what could happen in the future. After raising private capital to open the company, Waldman and co-founder Jon Lang knew how much was on the line.

Triton’s liability concerns weren’t limited to the common things such as equipment, which has produced 11 different ales available in its tasting room and distributed across the region. The brewing industry also has specific concerns toward the safety of its customers.

“Once we were opened, it (insurance) became even more important because we're producing a controlled substance and there are people out there that have trouble monitoring their consumption of those things,” Waldman said. “You recognize that liability is always kind of out there and in the shadows, so you really have to do everything you can.”

A dedication to consistency and quality, both in operations and in their product, is what Waldman believes will keep Triton Brewing Company a focal point in the community.

“Triton is here to stay,” Waldman concludes confidently. “We're building a very strong and strategically constructed vehicle to take us through the next five to 25 years. We've built a brand that's focused very much on quality and consistency. And, if they don't meet that goal, then we'll do it again.”