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Infertility announcement photos go viral

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An anchor from Idaho has gone viral with photos of him and his wife announcing that they are... infertile.
Spencer Blake, anchor on Scripps Sister Station program Good Morning Idaho, is a loving husband and a caring father. His children are adopted. Spencer and his wife Whitney are infertile. 
"Having our children swallows up the agony that we were in of course because we were able to adopt of course. We wouldn't change that for the world," Spencer Blake said.  
It's an issue that many couples keep out of the public eye. But one they shared on social media. 
Spoofing creative pregnancy announcements, they used humor to shed light on to something they may  never be able to do. And bring a smile to those with the same problem. 
"It was just kind of our unique twist to something we see all the time on social media," said Whitney Blake. 
Their bubble burst, and the dough didn't rise. At first they posted the photos on their blog during infertility awareness week. It didn't take long for the photos to go viral, one article on Buzzfeed gaining more than 12,000 likes on Facebook.
"Sympathy and empathy go along way for something that's that difficult," Said Spencer.  "So we've had times where we received it and so it's nice we can give that to other people too. "
The Blakes say they will never love infertility, but without it, they would have never become a family.
"Infertility is what led us to adoption and that's what led us to our little boys we firmly believe that our family is just the way it was meant to be," said Whitney.