INDIANAPOLIS — Students at one of Central Indiana’s largest school districts, Indianapolis Public Schools, are headed back to class Thursday.
One of them is Layla Arzola, who is a first year student at Arsenal Technical High School.
“They are really nervous and shy for now. We are from different countries so I think that’s more difficult for them," Layla's mom Monica said.

The Arzolas immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico.
Language is a barrier for the freshman.
She hopes Arsenal Tech will change that.
“[I want to] study more English," Arzola said.
This year, IPS is fully implementing its Rebuilding Stronger Plan.
Families can expect changes to grade configurations, expanding popular programs and models and renovations and improvements to buildings.
“In our middle grades, every student will have access to learning a foreign language, to learning how to play an instrument, to taking algebra if they’re ready. Our elementary schools will all have access to art, PE and computer science, so we’re building that digital literacy as well," Superintendent Dr. Aleesia Johnson said.
Dr. Johnson says safety is always top of mind for the district.
“We have tens of thousands of students out today at bus stops, walking to school so we need the community help to keep them safe. We’ll have cross walk attendants, folks on the roads monitor and making sure our kids are safe," Johnson said.
Another way the district is keeping kids safe is through hiring a new Director of Safety and Security.
IMPD commander Ida Williams brings 35 years of law enforcement experience to the position.
Something Shawntina Neal is happy to hear, as her 16-year-old begins his first year at Arsenal Tech.
“I just hope and pray it’ll be a good school year for my son," Neal said.