BLOOMINGTON — Snow is still falling in Central Indiana and that means these sidewalks need to be shoveled.
That can be a daunting task for those with disabilities or the elderly.
Volunteers like Eli McCormick are stepping in to help Bloomington neighbors.

“I like shoveling snow. It’s actually great exercise," McCormick said.
He’s putting his free time and manpower towards helping the City of Bloomington Snow Buddies Program.
“I’m able-bodied and there’s no reason. I have time on my hands. I’m not working. There’s no reason why I couldn’t help someone who needs it," he said.
The new initiative is designed to assist residents who are unable to clear snow from sidewalks themselves.
“I think there’s a lot neighbors can do to help out, without even knowing them," McCormick said.
The City requires businesses and homeowners to remove snow and ice from the public sidewalks next to their properties within 24 hours of the last snowfall.
This requirement ensures that sidewalks remain safe and accessible for all residents.
Council for Community Accessibility Staff Liaison Michael Shermis says there’s a large need for a program like this in Monroe County.

“Some people are literally stuck in their apartments or houses because they can’t get out and they don’t have enough food, that sorta thing," he said.
Snow Buddies has about three dozen volunteers right now.
They're looking for more.
“There are so many people who are challenged by this all over town. I would say hundreds," Shermis said.
If you’re interested in volunteering for the Snow Buddies Program you can click here.
Residents who need assistance can also apply through the program.