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Bob Knight: Trump most prepared to be president

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INDIANAPOLIS -- Donald Trump made a point of doing something "unusual" Wednesday – he took the stage at a rally at the Indiana State Fairgrounds just to turn the mic over to former IU coach Bobby Knight.

Knight joined Trump at the rally one day after the New York billionaire swept all five GOP primary contests in Northeast Super Tuesday.

Knight, a Hoosier basketball legend who won 902 NCCA Division I games and three NCAA championships, gave his full endorsement to Trump.

"You folks are looking at the most prepared man in history to be president," Knight said about Trump.

Knight told the assembled Hoosiers that there would "never be another Benghazi" under a Trump presidency.

Trump then took the stage to speak on an issue particularly relevant in Indianapolis: Carrier moving 1,400 jobs to Mexico.

"We're not going to let Carrier leave. We're going to take numbers. We're going to do numbers," Trump said. "I've been talking about Carrier for four months now, even before I knew we were going to be coming."

Carrier announced Feb. 10 that it would move the jobs over the next three years from its Indianapolis plant to Monterrey, Mexico.

SPECIAL SECTION | Moving to Mexico

Trump then took a shot at Republican rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich, who announced a deal earlier this week to coordinate campaign efforts in a bid to prevent Trump from winning the nomination.

"It's collusion," Trump said. "It's an act of desperation."

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Outside of his appearance with Knight, Trump mostly stuck to his stump speech: Trade imbalances need to be addressed; the military needs rebuilt; the U.S. needs a wall on its Mexican border.

Citing a comment made by FOX News host Bill O'Reilly, Trump said his campaign was something people hadn't seen in their lifetimes.

"We have a movement going on. Nobody has seen anything like it."