
Former addict says Deputy Pickett helped save his life: 'I will never forget him'

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BOONE COUNTY, Ind. -- A man forever touched by Deputy Jacob Pickett says the deputy convinced him to turn his life around after he was arrested on drug charges. 

Alex Dale says he was living a different life – fighting a drug addiction – and on the path of self-destruction when he was arrested in December 2016.

That’s where Dale met Deputy Pickett.

He said their conversation was brief – but powerful. Deputy Pickett asked him what he was doing and why he was doing it.

READ | Deputy Jacob Pickett fatally wounded duringpursuit 

“I couldn’t give him an honest answer,” said Dale.

The two started talking about how Dale had a child on the way and what that would mean for his life.

“He said: ‘Well, don’t do it just for you, do it for the kid. That kid didn’t ask to be here, you’re bringing that kid here and you need to give it the life it deserves.’”

PHOTOS | Cruiser memorial for Deputy Pickett

Dale says that arrest and his conversation with Deputy Pickett changed his life.

“I cherish those words because it made me a better man. It made me a better father and I will never forget him.”

Hear more from Dale on how Deputy Picket changed his life and how he plans to honor him in the video player above. 

READ | Sheriff Nielsen arrests man accused of fatally shooting Deputy Pickett | What led to the fatal shooting of Deputy Jacob Pickett? | Deputy Pickett's cruiser memorialized in front of Boone County Sheriff's Office | Sheriff pens heartfelt letter to the community