INDIANAPOLIS— On Tuesday morning, Kelli and Chris Duke took advantage of Indy's replica of the Eiffel Tower and dove into marriage.
Kelli and Chris met in the modern way, Facebook dating.
"Which is typical these days," said Kelli.
That match happened four years ago during the pandemic.

"Things started out interesting, meeting in our cars and doing lots of phone conversations. Chris is just, he's just a one in a million and he's just been such a great addition to my life and my two boys," said Kelli.
In May, Indiana Sports Corp. put out a call for couples who wanted to get married at the Eiffel Tower. For many, it's known as an iconic backdrop and symbol for love.
"When I think of the Eiffel Tower I think of love, I think people think of Paris," said Kelli.

Kelli said she submitted their love story on May 16th.
"She came to me and told me about it before she submitted the email, asked me if it would be okay and my thoughts on it and I said lets do it," said Chris.
Thirteen days ago, the two found out they had been chosen and would be getting married.
"The real nice thing about 13 days is that you can't overthink a lot of things," said Kelli.
The new Mr. and Mrs. Duke say they knew this was a once and lifetime moment and were thrilled they could get family and friends together on short notice.
"To look around and see all the people who with a weeks notice were able to join us and help us celebrate, we are so lucky, we are just so lucky," said Kelli.
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