INDIANAPOLIS — A suspect was arrested in connection to a New Year's day double shooting that killed an Indianapolis firefighter and a woman. That suspect is the firefighter's half-brother, according to police.
What was supposed to be a trip to drop off his brother and friend, turned deadly.
Metro police said the suspect was in the backseat of a pickup truck.
IMPD said 45-year-old Justin Boyd was driving and 42-year-old Jasmine Ivy-Dede was in the front seat.
It's WRTV's policy not to name the suspect until he is formally charged.
Police said the suspect claimed he fell asleep, woke up and believed he was being carjacked. He's accused of then shooting Boyd and Ivy numerous times, from behind.
Their bodies were found inside the truck in the area of Michigan Road and Grandview Drive on the northwest side.
Police say the suspect called 911 and later showed up to his nephew's house referencing the murders.
The probable cause affidavit states the suspect said, "I didn't want to do it, but I got them both."

"This is not how we wanted 2024 to start off," said Lt. Shane Foley. "It's a tragic case all around and we are thankful we were able to take a person in custody so quickly. This shows the dedication of our detectives and the cooperation that we received from our community and how justice can be served. Obviously it's a unique case because it involved a member of the public safety community as a victim and our hearts reach out to him and IFD as well as all victims of violent crime in Indianapolis," said Foley.
Justin Boyd was known in the community as JB.
An American flag waves at half staff at Indianapolis Fire Station 6. It's where JB worked as an engineer for Ladder 6. He was with the department since 2014.
IFD says Boyd will be remembered as a hard working, firefighter who's instincts on the fire ground were second to none.
Boyd was a father, husband, coach, mentor, friend and barber of 26 years. He leaves behind a wife, Samiya Boyd, and two children, his 21-year-old son Justin Boyd III and his 24-year-old daughter Jailyn Boyd.
He also previously served as an assistant football coach at Northwest High School and also coached little league football for Pike Township.
Red roses now sit at the door of his shop.
"It's a gaping hole. So, we pray for all of those young men who were mentored by him, all of those who were impacted by him and, and what he brought to our community. It's a loss for all of us and for the city of Indianapolis," said New Direction Church Pastor Kenneth Sullivan.
Jasmine is described as a loving woman who was dedicated to her family.
Her daughter, Amarah shared pictures with WRTV.

The family said, "Above her professional accolades, Jasmine was a loving mother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend to many. She loved life, cared deeply for her family, and will be remembered fondly by all who knew her."

"She was a mother. She was someone's daughter. And so we certainly send our prayers to that family right now that, that they would just be sustained during this time, and that God will hold them up," said Pastor Sullivan.
Pastor Kenneth Sullivan along with IFD and the Indianapolis Black Firefighters Association invite the community to keep both families in prayer and respect their privacy during the difficult time.
"[In this case] we have two people who tragically pass in such a horrific manner. It always hurts and you grieve for the family, you grieve for the community, because one thing that happens in our community that we don't always get to measure is the domino effect, and the trauma and how it just kind of bleeds over into so many other people's lives," said Pastor Sullivan.
IFD Chief Ernest Malone made the following statement:
"We were devastated to hear of the tragic loss of our friend and fellow IFD firefighter, Justin Boyd. Justin was a well loved member of this department and proudly served for 10 years as a firefighter. Our deepest condolences to all those affected by this tragedy, most especially his wife and 2 children. Our heartfelt thoughts also go out to the family of the other victim involved in this tragedy. Please know you have our prayers as well. For those of us who served with Justin, we are at a complete loss for words. He will be sorely missed."