INDIANAPOLIS — Hands-on learning experience for students at Arsenal Tech High School is helping set them up for success and to enter the workforce straight out of high school.
On Thursday, students received a surprise donation from the Center Township Trustee of Marion County.
Students in the automotive class now have two new jeeps to work with.
"It's good for me because I can work on different cars and not feel intimated," said student Chris Leydi.

11th grader Chris Leydi said she chose to go to Arsenal Tech because of trade classes.
"I am a female and every time something happens with your car, you always need to look for someone," she said. "We, in our family, have cars and it's real expensive. Sometimes you don't have the time or money to fix your car."
Hands-on learning is preparing Leydi and her classmates for real life.

"So, I can work on my own car whenever anything happens and I can help others work on their car without the high cost," said Baylie Wild.
There are more than a dozen trade programs at the school.
Instructor Dennis Bailey said not everyone is looking for a college education.
"A lot of trades are important because a lot of kids can't go to college. They don't have the money to go to college and the trade programs train them to get at least an entry-level position in these trades where they don't have any student loan debt or anything like that," said Bailey.

As for trustee Ladonna Freeman, she said the two jeeps weren't in good enough condition for her office anymore and didn't want them to go to waste.
"This provides hands-on learning and we are about supporting the youth and supporting our neighbors in Center Township," she said.
By the way, the public can donate vehicles to the class. You just need a title and to contact the school.