INDIANAPOLIS — The Indianapolis Fire Department responded to a fire at an east-side restaurant early Thursday morning.
"This is just such a shock," said Cindi Moon, a long-time customer.

The department was dispatched to the Four Seasons Family Restaurant at 1935 N. Shadeland Ave around 6:15 a.m. after receiving multiple calls of a fire. Employees of the restaurant reported that the fire started to show after the neon sign was turned on.
"The cook and I walked in, turned the lights on, and within maybe a minute, I saw some smoke coming out of the lights in the dining room and I ran back there and turned the breaker off with the lights," said Elisha Gharbi, the daytime manager who was inside at the time of the fire.
Gharbi says a customer told them the building was on fire. When firefighters arrived, they found smoke showing from the roof and made an aggressive offensive attack.

"I’m devastated. We’ve been here for about 31 years, I’ve been here for 28 and this is our home. I’m here at work more than I am at my own house with my kids. This is a big loss for all of us," said Gharbi.
The department said they searched the building and found no one inside. All occupants and employees were reported to be okay.

The fire was under control in an hour.
IFD said the smoke alarms inside the restaurant were working. At this time, the cause of the fire is still under investigation.
The restaurant has started a fundraiser for their employees. If you'd like to find out more, you can visit their Facebook page.