Open enrollment for healthcare begins November 1 and runs through December 15 this year - a much shorter time than years past.
We've put together a quick fact sheet on things to know before signing up.
- You can review plans before enrolling. Sign up, or by calling 1-800-318-2596.
- Shalom Health Care Center, Raphael Health Center, and Covering Kids and Families are among the community organizations offering free enrollment help. Most local hospitals, including Eskenazi, have navigators on-site, although it's best to call to schedule an appointment in advance. You can search for assistance near you online at
- 174,611 people in Indiana signed up for a plan on the health insurance Marketplace for 2017, according to figures from the Kaiser Family Foundation. More than 12 million people across the country signed up for a plan.
- There are two providers offering plans on the Marketplace in Indiana for 2018: CareSource and Celtic Insurance/MHS.
- Both providers have been approved for rate increases; CareSource for 20% and Celtic Insurance/MHS for 35.7%.
- Subsidies are available for 2018, depending on income level. You can find out if you're eligible online at
- Penalties will apply for those who go without insurance, although the exact amounts have not yet been published. For 2017, the penalty was 2.5% of household income or $695 per adult, whichever is higher. The amount is expected to increase with inflation in 2018. There are exemptions for circumstances, such as certain hardships. You can search and find out how to apply for online at
You can find answers to more frequently asked questions online at