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House speaker: GOP lawmaker recovering at home after crash


INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana’s House speaker says a top-ranking Republican lawmaker is recovering at home more than a month after a serious motorcycle accident in Michigan.

Speaker Brian Bosma said in a statement Thursday that House Ways and Means Chairman Tim Brown is in therapy and continues to improve. He did not elaborate on the extent of Brown’s injuries.

“Tim is now recovering at home with his wife, Jane, and going through therapy. His condition continues to improve and he’s impressed his doctors with his progress. Tim’s family sincerely appreciates all of the support and prayers, and ask for continued respect of their privacy while Doc focuses on his recovery," Bosma said. 

Brown was thrown from his motorcycle when an SUV pulled in front of him near northern Michigan’s Mackinac Bridge. He was taken in critical condition to a Michigan hospital where he initially was kept in a medically induced coma following the September accident.

Brown was on a trip with fellow Republican Rep. Mike Speedy of Indianapolis, who wasn’t injured.

Brown, a retired emergency room physician, has served in the Legislature since 1994.

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