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Volunteers build fence for wounded veteran with four dogs


INDIANAPOLIS -- An Indianapolis veteran is getting some much needed help with his dogs after he was brutally attacked this summer.
An eastside resident who calls himself “Mr. Please” was stabbed multiple times in the abdomen.

He’s rescued dogs from abuse, but now he’s the one who needed rescuing.
Friends of Indianapolis Dogs Outside has worked with Mr. Please for five years and heard about what happened.
“He said he had a stroke, so I'm like ‘how are you managing all these dogs?’” said Darcie Kurtz, founder of Friends of Indianapolis Dogs Outside (FIDO). “He said I'm walking them with one arm.  I said oh my god we can help, and we came out and looked around and said we can do this really quickly."
Volunteers spent the day building a fence on Fletcher Avenue for Mr. Please, so that his four dogs can have a safe place to play outside.
He named one of his dogs “You Welcome.”
“I was pronounced dead four times, and when I got out I knew my dogs would help me,” said Mr. Please. “Dog spelled backward is God. If you treat them right, they’re going to love you until the day you die.”
He said his attacker was sentenced to nine years in prison.

He’s grateful to the volunteers who are helping him get back on his feet, so he can take care of his furry family.
"It's a real pleasure to help someone who is obviously taking care of his animals,” said Kurtz. “He's doing an amazing job considering everything he's been through."

If you know of a dog or family that needs help you can reach FIDO at (317) 221-1314.

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