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Josh Speidel starts class at Ivy Tech

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Josh Speidel continues to take steps forward. 

This week, he participated in his first official college class at Ivy Tech. 

The former Columbus basketball star suffered a traumatic brain injury following a car accident last year. Speidel was recruited by the University of Vermont.

His parents deferred his enrollment at the University of Vermont until 2016. 

RELATED | Josh Speidel returns to basketball court with a standing ovation

In a Facebok post his mom wrote:

 "Today, Josh took another step forward in this ?#‎JoshStrong? marathon...he participated in his first official college class!! He is taking a Student Success class at Ivy Tech on Thursdays. He is also taking an English class online as well as continuing a math program he started a couple months ago. He was a good sport for Chuck CL Grimes today and let him take his picture!

Today marked a start. We don't know how it will end but we know God is with Josh. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9. Josh will be pushed in ways he has never been pushed, but he is determined and working toward his goal of one day going to UVM.
Thank you for continuing to pray for Josh! Thank you Chuck for helping Josh and us! We love and value each of you!! God is GOOD!"

PREVIOUS | Josh Speidel returns to hospital to say thanks


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