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Kokomo city leaders create fund to rebuild Highland park after tornado damage

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KOKOMO, Ind. -- City leaders in Kokomo are asking for donations to help repair Highland Park after violent storms decimated the grounds in August.

The city's recent effort to recover and rebuild from the August 24 tornado is getting a kick start from Solidarity Community Federal Credit Union. The "Rebuild Highland Park" fund will be established with a pledged donation from the credit union of $29,000. 

The fund will be used to plant trees and repair/replace playgrounds damaged in Highland Park, including the wheelchair-accessible, ADA-compliant playground.

Kokomo Mayor Greg Goodnight stressed the importance of re-foresting areas like Highland Park.

“It is important that we work to re-forest and replace trees that were damaged by the tornado,” said Mayor Goodnight. “Highland Park was devastated by the storms with trees uprooted and playgrounds destroyed. We need to remember that our parks don’t belong to us but to our children and grandchildren. In addition to planting trees, the ADA-compliant playground will be integrated into rest of the park and will be even more accessible for park-goers. Each tree planted and each playground rebuilt will remind us that the work we do today will be treasured by the residents of tomorrow. I want to thank Solidarity for stepping up to help create this fund. We appreciate the willingness to make the first donation and are sure others will soon follow their lead.”

Highland Park will be re-forested with 16 different varieties of native, hardwood trees, including Elm, Oak, Sycamore and Black Walnut.

Donations to the fund are tax-deductible and may be sent to Rebuild Highland Park c/o P.O Box 6601, Kokomo, IN 46904, with checks payable to “Rebuild High Park Fund.