
Indiana church looks to collect guns, melt them down

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CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind. (AP) - A western Indiana church is seeking people willing to give up semi-automatic rifles, bump stocks or large-capacity ammunition clips.

Members of Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church in Crawfordsville say they'll give gun owners a $100 grocery store gift card for guns and a $25 gift card for accessories.

Church members David and Sheridan Hadley tell the Crawfordsville Journal Review that they wanted to take action after the February school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17 people.

David Hadley says the buy-back program is giving people a chance to get some guns out of circulation.

The buy-back effort is set for April 28 at the Crawfordsville Police Department in the city, about 40 miles northwest of Indianapolis. All items collected will be melted down at Nucor Steel.

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