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New spider species discovered in Johnson County


INDIANAPOLIS -- A new species of spider was discovered over the weekend living in a Johnson County nature preserve.

The spider, tentatively being called Orenoetides sp., was discovered by University of Indianapolis Professor Marc Milne at the Glacier's End Nature Preserve near Ninevah, Indiana.

The discovery was made during a "bioblitz," or intensive inventory of plants, animals and fungi, on the property.

The new species is around 2.5 millimeters in size and lives in leaf litter.

“While some scientists are exploring outer space, it’s amazing to think that we’re still discovering new things on earth, like new species of spiders right here in Central Indiana. The discovery highlights why this type of land protection is necessary,” said Cliff Chapman, executive director of the Central Indiana Land Trust. “There is still so much to be discovered in the natural areas that surround us, but it will all remain undiscovered if we fail to protect those areas.”

The Glacier's End Nature Preserve is set to open officially in 2018.