
VP Mike Pence talks taxes, tariffs, and North Korea's nuclear arsenal while in Cleveland

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CLEVELAND -- In an exclusive interview with RTV6 sister station News 5, Vice President Mike Pence touched on the president's plan to talk with the leader of North Korea, as well the government's tax plan and what it mean's for jobs in Ohio.

"The President and I both believe in trade but this is a president that believes that while we have free trade, we need to also have fair and reciprocal trade," said Pence. 

"When you look at the trade deals that the United States has entered into in recent years — whether it be NAFTA or tolerating steel dumping in this country by countries like China — the reality is that for too many years, too many countries have been taking advantage of the United States," he said.

When the VP was at the Olympics and met the sister of Kim Jung Un, he refused to shake her hand, it was asked if it was wise for the President to give a platform to a dictator seeking legitimacy.

"For the last 20 years the United States and the world community has failed to prevent North Korea in its headlong rush to develop nuclear and ballistic missiles, threaten our country and threaten our neighbors," Pence said. 

"President Trump made it clear from early on, the era of strategic patience is over. Under the President's leadership, we've martialed unprecedented economic pressure, diplomatic pressure on North Korea, all while making it clear that all options are on the table, Pence said"

According to Pence, North Korea has said they may be willing to suspend their nuclear and ballistic missile testing and talk about denuclearization.

"But make no mistake about it, all sanctions will remain in place, our maximum pressure campaign will continue until North Korea takes concrete steps to dismantle their nuclear and ballistic missile program and stop threatening the United States and our allies," Pence said.

The reason for the Vice President's trip to Cleveland wasn't to talk about North Korea but to highlight a plan that while lowering taxes for many could also reportedly add around $2 billion to the deficit.

He believes the numbers will be wrong in that area.

"The reality is that by cutting taxes for individuals we're seeing the kind of growth represented in the jobs numbers this morning, 313,000 created in the month of February, 50,000 new jobs here in the state of Ohio. A growing economy is going to make it possible for us to deal with the issues of our national debt," Pence said.

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