"Rick Snay and I got married! And my 2nd daughter graduated from The Crossing!"Photo by: Lora Beuoy-Snay"My beautiful granddaughter came out of 2020!"Photo by: Amanda Elizabeth Guerrieri-Lawson"Bought a new house in February then adopted sisters." Photo by: Becky Franks Richardson"Our rainbow was born!!! After 3 painful miscarriages... this little guy has brought us so much joy."Photo by: Alison Dick"I purchased a new light-up tree that I’ve been wanting to get for a few years. I hadn’t put up a tree in like 10 years."Photo by: Amy Duncan"11/8 we welcomed this little peanut!"Photo by: Brittany Gara Chrystal Perkins.JPG "My beautiful baby girl. Me and my husband have been trying since 2012. After two miscarriages a yr of trying and failed fertility treatments. A yr of craziness and here she arrived early was due Aug 12 came July 24. She spent a long week in the NICU and here we r 4 months later almost 5 months. She has truly brought sunshine in the middle of a storm."Photo by: Chrystal Perkins"I welcomed my son into this world on May 17th, 2020."Photo by: Donna Johnson"I got to visit a friend in Kentucky, who lives in the area Loretta Lynn is from, he lives about 5 minutes away from her childhood home, it is still standing today, I really enjoyed this trip I took in October, around my birthday."Photo by: Eric Springer"I had a baby! Our miracle rainbow baby!"Photo by: Christine Herritt-Stainer"Celebrating 30 years of marriage in October."Photo by: Jami Cavana-Briede"I got engaged!"Photo by: Jacki McKinley"My son graduated from Speedway High School in a historical commencement."Photo by: Kimberly Jo Sears Kristen Walker.JPG "This little ball of fluff was born and became a part of our family. He’s the first dog I’ve ever owned!!Photo by: Kristen Walker"Got to make my first pieces of glass art thanks to my SIL & Lisa at Hot Blown Glass."Photo by: Laura Rains"We got married in Las Vegas in January!"
Photo by: Lauren Kay-Beason
"My father in law passed away in June so we had to drive to Massachusetts. We did make it 1 day before he passed away so my husband was able to say goodbye. On the way back after spending 10 days in Boston. We decided to do something we haven't done before on our way home. We stopped at Niagara Falls on the American side. Needless to say, it was beautiful and a perfect day. In this picture is on right my Husband Clifford Ballou middle my amazing cousin who drove us out Lynn Marie and our nephew Phil Valezquez. None of us had ever been there and it was such a bright moment with people I love dearly and is probably one of my favorite moments this year."Photo by: Shawna O'Neill Ballou"Went on vacation with my daughter, who is 23, for the first time. And we both rode in an airplane for the first time."Photo by: Melissa O'Connor"We welcomed Mango to our family!"Photo by: Neva Joy Paul"I had a new granddaughter born this year."Photo by: Susan McMurtry Vicki Covell.JPG "Our 2 year old grandson, Levi is holding his new sister, Samara. They belong to our daughter and son in law. Our son and daughter in law are waiting on the birth of our 3rd grandchild, which is due any day! This year has brought many challenges but these are our blessings this year."Photo by: Vicki Covell Wendy Howe.jpg "Watching our beautiful daughter graduate from New Castle High School and just today my youngest daughter received a letter from The Indiana Academy of Science, Mathematics, and Humanities. It is the best College Prep High School in Indiana located on the Ball State campus. These are a couple of happy and proud moments of 2020."
Photo by: Wendy Howe