INDIANAPOLIS — State highway officials are planning complete closures lasting 15 days for a section of Interstate 65 on Indianapolis' northwest side.
The Indiana Department of Transportation says it will shut down the northbound and southbound lanes during separate periods to mill and repave the roadway.
The first closure will be of I-65 northbound between I-465 and I-865. That closure will begin at 9 p.m. June 14 and will remain closed until July 1.
The closure will switch to the southbound lanes from July 12 until July 29 in the same location.
The highway department recommends drivers follow the detours below using I-465 and I-865 during the closures.
Detour Routes
- During the NB closure, drivers can take I-465 N to I-865 W back to I-65 N.
- During the SB closure, drivers can take I-865 E to I-465 S back to I-65 S.