INDIANAPOLIS -- Some big changes on the horizon across Indianapolis’ south side as residents unveiled their 5-year “Quality of Life” plan.
Several groups worked to develop the plan which includes more commercial developments, better access to Garfield Park and a continued great relationship with the University of Indianapolis. The plan also contains initiatives for job training and employment opportunities.
“We recognize we are the anchor but we can’t carry the entire community because we’re not a community development corporation,” said University of Indianapolis Executive Vice President David Wantz. “It’s important for us to ask our neighbors, what do you need down here, because if our neighbors think it’s a good thing, it’s gonna be good for our students.”
Eight neighborhood associations met for a year and a half developing their “Quality of Life” plan.
One thing neighbors want is the investment in their community. Shelby Street is dotted with businesses that have closed but overtures have been made to bring in new blood.
“The biggest victory so far is building a sense of community,” said Bryan Hannon. “We know more neighbors than we did two years ago. We’ve got deeper roots in the community than we did several years ago as a result of this plan.”
Residents say the other thing they’re excited about is the long awaited Redline Transit that will connect the south side with the rest of Indianapolis.
The plan will be evaluated at the end of the 5 years to decide what direction the community will need to go to keep moving forward.