INDIANAPOLIS — Some neighborhoods in the Indy metro area are still experiencing trash pick-up delays after last week’s snowstorm.
One of them is Garfield Park South, where residents tell us it’s taken two weeks for their trash to be picked up.

“If you don’t tell me, then I’m nothing to you," Southsider Kevin Branch said.
For the last 30 years, Branch has gotten his trash picked up by noon on Tuesdays.
But these past two weeks: nothing.

“People only have one trash can so it’s a trash can for a week, it’s the second week so now you have a trash can plus all these bags by the side," Branch said.
And he says it’s become a playground and buffet for wild animals.

“There are groundhogs, there are raccoons. We’re close to Garfield Park so people here have seen raccoons, coyotes, etc. So, OK, we’ll just allow them to tear it up," he said.
Branch called the Indianapolis Department of Public Works and the Mayor’s Action Center to get a clearer picture of when pick-up would happen.
He says the response was vague and unhelpful.
“I said to the lady, 'You’re honestly telling me that you can’t tell me when my trash is going to be picked up?' and she said, 'No I can’t,'" he said.
WRTV reached out to Indy DPW to see what may have been causing the delay.

A spokesperson for the department tells us service for residents with pick-up in alleys, like Branch’s, was interrupted because of last week’s snow.
Indy DPW says crews have been working hard to catch up and get everyone serviced this week.
Most streets should be passable this week for their trucks.

“People out here are not unreasonable. But if you don’t tell me, I’m supposed to guess. And when I called and you give me this kinda scripted garbage. I’m sorry, you’re not telling me anything," Branch said.
Garfield Park South did wind up getting serviced late Tuesday afternoon.

If you are having issues with trash pick-up in your neighborhood, you can file tickets by calling the Mayor's Action Center or via the RequestIndy app.