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WATCH: IPL still restoring power as families go several days without electricity

About 45,000 people lost power at one point
Posted at 5:18 PM, Aug 29, 2016
and last updated 2016-08-29 17:18:42-04

INDIANAPOLIS – Three days after storms wreaked havoc on Indianapolis, some families are still not yet back to normal.

Take, for example, Amy Allison and her partner Doug Bunch, who by Monday morning had had enough with Indianapolis Power and Light.

They say they stayed at their home near Kessler and Olney on the northeast side all weekend, told repeatedly their power would be restored soon.

It was eventually restored Monday afternoon, but IPL said there were still hundreds without power, and that they should get back electricity by Monday night.

A representative with IPL says its response has been adequate, however. At the peak of this outage, about 45,000 customers were without power, so it’s been quite the process getting everyone back on their power grid.

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