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Infographic: Kids pulling the trigger

Child accidental gun deaths, by state
Posted at 9:07 AM, May 30, 2017
and last updated 2017-05-30 09:07:07-04

Between 2014 and 2016, researchby The Associated Press and USA Today shows that 152 U.S. children under the age of 12 accidentally killed themselves with a gun or were inadvertently shot and killed by another child.

As this Statistainfographic below shows, the states in which the most deaths occurred were Texas, Georgia, Ohio and Michigan - all of which experienced 10 or more such cases over the three-year period. According to the source, a child aged under 12 dies in these circumstances an average of once per week in the United States.

Most of the time, the initial cause is a loaded, unsecured gun in the home. A 2008 study found that in about one-third of all homes with children, there was a firearm present. Roughly one-sixth of these weapons were unlocked and loaded.

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