INDIANAPOLIS – President Trump released his 2018 budget proposal Tuesday, which calls for drastic cuts to health care, among other areas.
Central Indiana school districts could also suffer if the $800 billion cut in Medicaid passes, which would leave several special needs children without programs and services.
Within Indianapolis Public Schools, the district billed Medicaid for about $1 million last year and Indy mother Heather Dane said she is concerned about the care of her daughter if cuts are made.
"It really is critical in her success in school, which in turn becomes critical for her success as an adult, and it makes her more employable,” said Dane of her 6-year-old daughter who has Cerebral Palsy. “If she didn't get those services now, she's just going to keep falling further and further behind."
Dane said she has been working with her daughter over the past few years to overcome developmental and communication challenges.
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"It's just disheartening that she really has so much potential and these cuts to Medicaid could really hold her back,” she said.
Most of IPS’ Medicaid spending went to services offered within Individualized Education Programs and 1-of-5 students in IPS participates in IEP.
“Those services allow us to educate all students and that's absolutely essential to our mission and our purpose,” said Brent Freeman IPS special education officer. "We wouldn't want to cut services, we wouldn't want to jeopardize services to our students, so we would find a way to fund the services our children need."