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'He told me he was my angel': Milwaukee family reunited with stolen dog on New Year's Day


MILWAUKEE (WDJT) -- A dog stolen from a Milwaukee family at gunpoint on Christmas Eve is now back home, thanks to the kindness of a stranger.

The Chambers family said they received an anonymous tip their dog was located near 55th and Wright.

"Symba! We got Symba back, we got my baby back," said Tysha Chambers.

Chambers was all smiles on the second day of the New Year.

Since Christmas Eve, the Milwaukee mother had been waiting for this reunion.

"It's been difficult, or whatever, not having him here," said Chambers.

Last week, as CBS 58 first reported, Symba, a 1-year-old Cockapoo, was stolen from the Chambers family on Christmas Eve.

The family said their two teenage boys, Caiden and Isaac, were taking Symba on a walk down their block when a person approached them with a gun and demanded their dog.

The robbery sent Chambers into fight or flight mode.

"I jumped into momma mode, so I just jumped in the car - what, where, when, and just gone," said Chambers.

The family began hanging up flyers around the neighborhood to find their beloved pet, and more than a week later, on New Year's Eve, the phone rang with promise.

"He told me he was my angel, and I was gone get him back on New Year's Day," said Chambers.

Chambers said an anonymous caller tipped her off to where her dog was being held, so she did what mothers do, she went after her baby.

"I was told that my dog was in your house, and that's when my friend showed her a picture of the dog, and that's when she said, 'oh, that's your baby.' So, she knew, she knew," said Chambers.

Chambers' sons, both Caiden and Issac, are thankful for the kindness of a stranger.

"It's nice to know that we have people in the world like that, and that the world is not all bad," said Caiden Chambers.

The Milwaukee Police Department said they are still looking for unknown suspects. Anyone with information is asked to contact MPD or Crime Stoppers if you wish to remain anonymous. That number is 414-224-TIPS.