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After crash, driver concerned with Guion Road intersection

But, no relief coming from city, is appears
and last updated

INDIANAPOLIS — "I've had a headache ever since the accident. My doctor said he now thinks I might have a concussion," said Barbara Moulton.

Headaches, a swollen knee, and aching back are just some of the lingering injuries to her body and 28,000 dollars in damage is what happened to Barbara Moulton's SUV when she was rear-ended on Guion Road on Indy's northwest side.

"The gentleman who hit me was traveling at higher rate of speed than he should've been on slick roads and not paying attention," said Moulton.

Moulton was traveling north on Guion when she stopped to let a semi-truck swing a wide turn from Industrial Blvd. and cross the train tracks when she was hit. The railroad tracks and sharp curve create obstacles at the intersection, which neighbors say is home to more accidents than they can count.

"We have multiple accidents, at least two a week of people that just drive off the road," said Chris Davis.

Over the years the front yard of Davis' home has become a graveyard for car parts, with everything from bumpers to mufflers to side panels, at some point ending up there.

"There's no brake action. I think people just don't know there's a curve in the road. We're always amazed that there are that many people new to this road that they don't know it, but it seems to be no brakes until they go flying into the train tracks," said Davis.

Indianapolis DPW tells WRTV that in past three years, 15 collisions have occurred at the intersection, which the city says is a relatively low number. Neighbors of course will tell you that doesn't account for the crashes and slide-offs that don't get reported to police.

DPW says because there are no visual obstructions to warning signs that have already been placed along the road, the traffic engineers are not recommending changes at this time. They say a rear-end crashes like the one that banged up Moulton and her car are more often caused by drivers not paying attention. Moulton still hopes the city can add something to make drivers look out for what's up ahead.

"I don't care if they put a flashing light back there in the grass, that just flashes and says, OK! You need to pay attention," said Moulton.