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CDC guidance on mask wearing allows local mandates to stand

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INDIANAPOLIS — Nearly a week after the CDC said, "Fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any setting," there are still some questions that remain.

The rest of what they said should clear up any confusion: "...except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance."

RELATED:2 Indiana counties lifting mask orders with new CDC guidance

In central Indiana, that means Marion County's current mask mandate still stands until they change it. That could happen on Wednesday when Dr. Caine provides an update regarding the county's COVID-19 response.

Ashton Henderson and Nathan Payne are two baristas who work in downtown Indianapolis. Like a lot of people in the service industry, they're following local guidance on mask wearing and running into confused customers.

"Some people have definitely been confused. We've had more than one customer ask about it and say, "You know, the CDC says you don't need that anymore," Henderson said.

If anything changes, Henderson and Payne agree, locally owned businesses will have a much quicker time adapting unlike bigger companies.

"We kind of have to hear from another store where as a lot of these places are making choices for themselves," Payne said.

As people who see hundreds of customers every day, Henderson and Payne are hoping for one thing as most mask requirement changes apply to those who are fully vaccinated: Honesty.

"I hope they're being honest, Payne said. "Hope they're being real about it [being vaccinated] because it's still a real thing. We're doing our part. We hope they're doing theirs."