INDIANAPOLIS — Potholes are problematic for thousands of Hoosier drivers, but a specific pothole on the city's north side has become a pain for many.
A homeowner who lives on Kessler Boulevard even made a sign to alert people on the roadways of the pothole.
The first thing drivers see when driving toward College Avenue, on Kessler Boulevard, is the sign labeled "pothole."
RTV6 has footage (above) of drivers trying to maneuver around the crater-like pothole, edging the double yellow line.
The woman who lives in the home right by the hole - who wished to be off-camera and unnamed - said she sees car after car blow tires going through the hole. Especially after dark when people can't see the sign she made.
More potholes have begun to open up toward her yard's side of the road.
"I just try to veer off to the left and just do my best to look forward and make sure nobody's coming," Jeffrey Gehring, who lives nearby, said. "And you know, most people just try to accommodate for it."
The pothole has been on the Indianapolis Pothole Viewer since February 13 - over a month.
MORE | How local and state crews prioritize pothole requests |
"I'm from D.C., and we never have problems with these potholes, and I'm kind of surprised that the city doesn't do a better job with responding to complaints," Gehrig said.
Department of Public Works crews told RTV6 they are continuously filling potholes and since that hole has been reported, teams will be able to plan accordingly and fill potholes in that area.
REPORT A POTHOLE | Report with Indianapolis-Marion County | Report with the Indiana Department of Transportation
- Indianapolis: Mayor's Action Center 317-327-4622
- State: 1-855-463-6848
FILE A POTHOLE CLAIM | File a claim with Indianapolis-Marion County | File a claim with the Indiana Department of Transportation