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Web designers helping local businesses stay afloat during pandemic

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FISHERS — With so many large and small shops adapting to the pandemic and turning to put their businesses online, web designers are seeing an influx in clients.

Cody Sharp at "Sharp Guys Web Design" said there has been a gradual move to online storefronts and marketing for years, but COVID-19 and the stay-at-home orders put those plans in fast forward.

“We typically attend conferences, walks, outreach events, one-on-one parent trainings, in-person parent trainings - a lot of our businesses is in person,” said Karla Webster with Bierman Autism Center, “so when pandemic hit it became pretty obvious that we were going to have to pivot quickly.”

The Bierman Autism Center provides one on one speech and occupational therapy to kids on the autism spectrum.

“At the beginning of the pandemic it was apparent pretty quickly that we were an essential business,” said Webster.

She said they are still working with children one on one, but they cannot have parents come in and tour the facility or work with them to fill the gaps at home.

That’s why they partnered with sharp guys web design to help them reach more parents and help more children with autism.

“These guys are doing such amazing work helping children with autism; we've done some digital marketing helping people find them through search helping people see their ads and then actually also kind of creating some different plans around email marketing as well for their company,” said Cody Sharp.

Sharp runs Sharp Guys Web Design. He said they were fortunate because the changes caused by the pandemic have brought them a lot of opportunities.

“A lot of companies that we're doing a lot of traditional marketing now all of a sudden are starting to look to the web it's opportunity that's really been there for the last couple of years but they just didn't realize they didn't really recognize it a lot of times,” said Sharp.

He told me they work with companies from small mom and pop shops to large manufacturers. It feels good knowing his services are keeping some of these businesses afloat at the end of the day.

“A lot of our clients are just doing such crucial work even we work with dentists, and they're doing important work for people’s health we're working with you know like our autism clinic here, but we work with manufacturers all of these people are doing such amazing work we just are very fortunate it feels really good to be able to help these people,” said Sharp.

Sharp Guys Web Design does offer free website analysis. If you already have a business website but want to know how to get the most out of it, you can find their contact information here.