It's no secret that we've been running low on rainfall. All you have to do is look at many of the lawns across central Indiana, and you see the toll the dry conditions are taking. Indianapolis has only picked up 2.26" of rainfall since June first. That's nearly five inches below average. Many other spots are running three to five inches below average when it comes to rainfall.

Even with some scattered downpours recently, moderate drought has expanded across much of central Indiana. Severe drought isn't too far away, in eastern Illinois.

It's going to take more than just one good soaking rain to relieve our dry conditions. Much of the Hoosier State would need six to nine inches of rainfall over the next month to break the drought. The next several days do bring rain chances. However, it won't be enough to make much of a dent in our rain deficit. Most areas are only looking at about a quarter to an inch of rainfall over the next seven days.