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Franklin Community High School students get hands-on experience in agriculture

Posted at 6:43 AM, Aug 28, 2019
and last updated 2019-08-28 10:51:02-04

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FRANKLIN — Agriculture jobs are plentiful across central Indiana and Franklin Community High School is helping introduce teens to the industry before they graduate.

Franklin Community High School students grow tomatoes, peppers and corn on a plot of land right behind the school. The program is a way for students to learn more about agriculture and business and decide if they have an interest in the field.

Alicia Geesey, the Agricultural educator at Franklin High School says it's a program students can take part in whether they have experience or not.

"The majority have never stepped foot on a farm so being able to really give them a hands on experience and watch things grow and cultivate them themselves and see the problems as they arise is a lot better than me just standing in the classroom talking to them about crops," Geesey said.

Along with harvesting, students in the program also get a chance to help raise and care for animals such as cows, goats and rabbits.

She also says they've had several students who never would have gotten to have the experience decide to pursue a career in the field of agriculture.

"Some of my students who I would've never guessed would be interested in horticulture crops or agriculture are pursuing those types of careers," Geesey said. "There's a wide array as well it's not just farming."

Students sold the vegetables they grew in August at the county fair. They also donate some of the produce to the school and to local food pantries.

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