NOBLESVILLE — Luis and Cynthia Galvez knew being parents would come with a set of challenges, but their two-year-old son Leo brought on more than they realized.
"Our life looks more different than we ever dreamed about,” Cynthia Galvez said.
Due to genetics, Leo was born with numerous birth defects, bringing many challenges.

"The biggest one was the tracheostomy, which makes him have to breathe through this airway, as opposed to his mouth and nose like we do,” Luis Galvez explained.
The Galvez family did not find out about their complications until after becoming pregnant. Two years in, they still feel the challenges.
"We know that he's medically challenged and that sometimes we have to protect him and stay home,” Cynthia Galvez said.

Dr. Caroline Rouse helps families at The Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis.
She says various factors, such as genetics and diet, can lead to birth defects and some defects require around-the-clock care.
“The care and the time required can be very complicated,” Rouse explained.

That’s why Rouse recommends pre-conception screenings to families so they can learn about potential pregnancy risks.
"This counseling can help optimize health before pregnancy and allows discussion of patient-specific risks," she said.
Despite the challenges, the Galvez family says Leo is the biggest joy of their life.

"We chose Leo's name, Leandro, because we think of a brave little lion. Just seeing how brave he is and how strong he is makes this battle worth it,” Leo’s parents explained.
Numerous health centers provide pre-conception resources. If interested, Dr. Rouse suggests contacting your healthcare provider.