INDIANAPOLIS — As the need for affordable housing continues to impact people across Indiana, a few local organizations are working with a national program to help get more Hoosiers in affordable homes.
On Friday, Unique 7x & Liberation Now hosted a community meeting on affordable housing with the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA).
“This will be my first time looking into home ownership, so I’m just going to soak up everything,” said Evelyn Stansberry.
Stansberry attended the meeting at Martin University to take steps to transition from a renter to a first-time homeowner.
“Being a renter, you’re paying what you would pay for a mortgage for your own home,” she explained.
Stansberry was among hundreds who showed up to the community meeting focused on shedding light on NACA and affordable housing.
“We do the comprehensive counseling. We do 30% of counseling in the country as a HUD certified counseling agency,” explained NACA CEO and Founder, Bruce Marks. “We provide access to the best in mortgage in America — no down payment, no closing costs at all, globally market fixed rate without consideration of one’s credit score.”

The non-profit aims to make home ownership accessible, especially for low-income families and communities of color.
It comes as Black households sit at the lowest home ownership rates in the nation.
“Start closing that gap. It’s starts with your home, so in order to do that we have to make it affordable for them to get in the home in the first place,” said Mrs. Archie, the “Financial Farmer” with Unique7x. “So, taking away all the barriers, there’s no excuse for anyone. On top of that, if you have section 8, you can use your section 8 voucher.”
The goal is to get the process started so more Hoosiers can be homeowners.
“I have a ten-year-old now and I wanted to make sure that I leave her a foundation, leave something that she and her mother can have,” said Tyrone Bailey, who’s looking to own his second home.

“It’s something that I wanted to start earlier than my parents to improve the next generation,” added Stansberry.
If you couldn’t make to tonight’s meeting at Martin University, another one is planned for June 8.
Email NACA.Indiana@Gmail.Com to inquire about registration.
Click here for more information about NACA.