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No credit card information accessed during ParkMobile security incident

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INDIANAPOLIS — ParkMobile, a mobile app used in Indianapolis and other cities to pay for parking, released more information on an investigation launched after a cybersecurity incident.

In an email to customers, ParkMobile said they became aware in March of the incident linked to a vulnerability in a third-party software it uses.

An investigation into the incident found the following:

  • No credit card information was accessed
  • No historical information on parking transactions was accessed
  • Only general information, like license plate numbers, email addresses, phone numbers and nicknames were accessed
  • Mailing addresses were accessed in a small percentage of cases
  • Encrypted passwords were accessed, but the encryption keys, needed to read the passwords, weren't accessed
  • ParkMobile doesn't collect social security numbers, driver's license numbers or dates of birth

Users can change their password under settings in the app or online as an added precaution.