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Man 'alarmed' to find KKK fliers near house

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FRANKLIN, Ind. -- A man living in Johnson County was "alarmed" to find a flier for a Ku Klux Klan organization next to his mailbox on Monday.

The man took it to the Johnson County Sheriff's Office so they would be aware, even though there was no violation of any law.

The letter discussed the supposed "White European Heritage" from which America was born, lamenting the courage of standing tall and losing the "guts" of America.

The letter said "Our 2nd Amendment is under attack every dam [sic] time some clown uses it in a crime or murder. The cure for crime in America is not to take or [sic] guns off the street, but to put more on the streets."

It also discussed groups that are attacking "the white people," according to the letter.

Groups such as Muslims, ISIS, Black Lives Matter, Mexican cartels and Black Panthers.

PREVIOUS | Fishers residents awaken to Ku Klux Klan fliers on their lawns

The letter gave an address and photo number if anybody is interested in more information, or to make a donation to the "Invisible Empire known as the Ku Klux Klan," as the letter put it.

The letter came in a plastic sleeve with bird seed.

The man told police he wanted his name and address to stay anonymous.