GREENWOOD — Thanking those who dedicate their lives to helping others.
Veterans, first responders, and teachers aren't always appreciated for their hard work, but an annual giveaway honoring these Hoosier heroes hoped to change that.

“I just appreciate what people do for us veterans,” Frank McMahon told WRTV. “I was in Vietnam for 14 months and even today, people thank me for my service.”
He was among hundreds of Hoosier heroes honored this holiday season.
“It’s always very heartwarming to give back again in a different way to our Hoosier heroes,” said Diane Markle, the Regional Impact Officer for Folds of Honor Indiana.

The national non-profit supports the military and first responders.
This year, they partnered with Grinds Coffee pouches and several other businesses to help make the event happen.
“Every year, we partner with Twin Peaks in Castleton and Greenwood. Home Depot donates trees and all the trimming and we are able to donate between 125 to 150 trees,” she added.

This is the 11th year the local non-profit has held the event for veterans and first responders, but this year the non-profit extended the spirit of giving to teachers and school staff.
“Nowadays, so many people are struggling just to even get anything for Christmas so to be able to get something for free, to have a little spirit, would be a very good thing,” Carrie Lautzenhiser told WRTV.
She works at a local school and her husband is a veteran.

She was among many other Hoosiers who were gifted the trees on Saturday and were already looking to make the holidays a little brighter for those around them.
And some Hoosiers who were gifted the trees on Saturday are already looking to make the holidays a little brighter for those around them.
“We’re going to give one to my nephew and then we’re going to put it on my community Facebook page to see if anybody else wants a stand and everything,” said Lautzenhiser

“I got a couple of grandkids that live with me, they’ll probably be decorating it as soon as I get home,” added McMahon.
Around 250 live Christmas trees, with stands, ornaments, and lights were passed out between both Indianapolis and Greenwood Twin Peaks locations.

Any that were left over were donated to the organization Helping Veterans and Families (HVAF).