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'Something has to change': Rally held in Indianapolis to stop anti-Asian hate

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INDIANAPOLIS — Hoosiers came together Saturday afternoon on Monument Circle in downtown Indianapolis to call on an end to anti-Asian violence and hate happening around the nation.

The demonstration in Indianapolis was just one of several on Saturday throughout the nation.

"This is something that's been ongoing for hundreds of years and it's very important that even though it might not impact us directly, if it's impacting others, we need to stand tall and support others who are dealing with unfair treatment," Ralph Taylor, a board member of the Asian American Alliance.

It was a show of solidarity to stand-up against anti-Asian rhetoric and violence both in the Circle City and beyond. Ten or so local community groups organized the event.

"We as Americans feel very uncomfortable in our very own country," Rupal Thanawala, president of the Asian American Alliance said. "We are all Americans. We are all Hoosiers. We are families that have been living here for 50 plus years."

Many in the crowd held up signs as they listened to leaders speak.

"I can just see the cracks happening more and more," Qing Zhao said."People are fed up. I'm fed up. Something has to change."

Stephanie Hua, 13, came downtown to join the demonstration with her family from Fishers.

"To show everyone, any age, can come out and show everyone that they can come out and help," Hua said.

Both elected officials and demonstrators are asking people to educate themselves, be an ally and report any racism.

"At least in my role as deputy mayor of Neighborhood Engagement where I work with the international community, it's now what are we going to do next," Judith Thomas said. "Now we're going to have to sit at the table and talk about how we can work with each other, understand the issues that are going on, protect each other."