INDIANAPOLIS — The Starbucks at Monument Circle in Downtown Indianapolis will close due to concerns over customers' and employees' safety, a company spokesperson confirms.
The store, located at 55 Monument Circle, will effectively close on Oct. 28 and employees will be given the opportunity to transfer to a nearby location, the spokesperson said.
"I can confirm that safety and security of partners and customers was one of the factors which contributed to the decision to close this store," the spokesperson said in an email to WRTV.
A statement from the spokesperson reads, "We routinely review the partner and customer experience in our stores, to see if the store is thriving, partners (employees) are feeling supported, and that we are meeting customer needs. Our local leaders are, and have always been, empowered to use the many resources at their disposal to modify store operations and create the best experience for our communities. But when necessary, we will make the decision to close a store."
WRTV has reached out to the location and was not provided with a comment.
WRTV also sent a crew to the location but was rushed off the property by staff.
RELATED: Authorities, local business owners confused, troubled by Starbucks decision to leave Monument Circle
Mark Bode, a spokesperson for the City of Indianapolis, released the following statement:
"The City continues to work with IMPD and stakeholders to keep Downtown a safe and vibrant place to live, work, and play. Thanks to that collaboration, as well as investment in public safety ambassadors, IMPD cameras, and expanded cleaning capacity, Downtown remains the safest district in Marion County. That has helped influence a 97% occupancy rate for housing units in the Downtown area; $3.8 billion in planned economic development projects; the continued attraction of major conventions annually; and the opening of over 70 retail and restaurant businesses last year alone. On Monday night the City-County Council will vote on Mayor Hogsett’s proposed 2023 budget, which features an unprecedented public safety investment that helps fund 200 additional IMPD officer positions, increases first-year officer pay, and continues to build out robust law enforcement technology infrastructure."
Taylor Schaffer, President and CEO of Downtown Indy, Inc, released the following statement:
“While today’s announcement is disappointing, data indicates that Downtown continues to be the safest district in Indianapolis, accounting for less than 5% of overall crime. We are committed to ensuring that residents and visitor alike feel safe in our Regional Center. That’s why we are collaborating with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department to prioritize investment in public safety initiatives including increased patrols, the instillation of new crime-fighting technologies, and engagement from Downtown Indy, Inc.'s safety ambassadors.
This strategy is showing success — contributing to unprecedented investment in our Downtown — with more than $3.8 billion in planned development and an occupancy rate of nearly 97% in residential properties.
A safe Indianapolis is a priority for all of us, no matter what part of town. Yet, we remain committed to working with our partners to ensure that the Mile Square and all of Downtown continues to be the safest neighborhood in Indianapolis."
Cyndi Carrasco, Republican candidate for Marion County Prosecutor, shared the following statement:
“Earlier this week, my opponent Prosecutor Ryan Mears and I participated in a debate where Mears stated twice "Downtown is safe." I wish this were the case. Today, Starbucks announced they will be closing their location right on Monument Circle, the heart of downtown, due to safety concerns for their employees.
“So far this year, 180 people have been killed in Indianapolis, putting us on track for our third consecutive year of over 200 homicides. Over 900 people have been shot or stabbed, making an average of 3.2 people shot or stabbed every single day. The violence throughout Indianapolis is out of control, and our once vibrant and thriving downtown is suffering. People are dying, and businesses are closing. And Ryan Mears thinks our city is safe? No wonder he isn't trying to change things - he doesn't see a problem. This is unacceptable, and we cannot continue down our current path. It's time for a change.”
RELATED: Marion County Prosecutor Debate: Ryan Mears & Cyndi Carrasco face off ahead of election
WRTV has reached out to the campaign for Democratic candidate and current Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears for comment and are waiting to hear back.
Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer released the following statement:
“Whether it’s on the economy or crime, Democrats want you to believe what they’re saying, not what you’re seeing.
“Today’s news that Starbucks will close a location in the heart of our capital city due to safety issues — just days after its Democrat prosecutor repeatedly claimed the city was safe — is an unfortunate consequence of their continued denial of reality.”
WRTV reached out to the Indiana Democratic Party for a statement and were told they would not be commenting on this story.
WRTV is also waiting to hear back from the Marion County Democratic Party. Marion County Republican Chair Joe Elsener shared the following statement:
"The circle is the very heart of downtown, if that’s not safe, nowhere is. No matter how Ryan Mears tries to spin it, the reality is our capital city is not safe and it is deteriorating. This trend can’t be allowed to continue. We must elect a prosecutor serious about cleaning up crime both downtown and across our city."
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